It's nothing new, the ability to print your own picture on a tag of your own design. We've offered that option from the very dawn of our existence. The problem was, you had to dig deep into our F.A.Q. to learn that you could send us an image of your own to place upon your luggage tags. And even then you'd have to exchange several emails with us to bring your tag to life.
Now you can create your own tag, without delay. Upload that favorite dog or cat photo. Or whatever else it is that floats your boat. It doesn't matter, but please, keep it clean. We often have family in the office, and they don't need to see your porn. We have enough to explain as it is.
Some minor editing or cropping may occur to make sure that your image fills back of the luggage tag. For best results image size should be at least 3.42" x 2.18" (342x218 pixels) (100 pixels/inch)
6-Inch Clear Plastic Loop or 7-Inch Black Plastic Post and Notch Strap included. Optional 7-Inch Black Leather Luggage Strap or Aircraft Cable with Grommet available.
Please remember we can NOT print other companies trademarked logo's and/or copyrighted images without Company approval.